About Doug
Born and raised in Northeastern Colorado, Doug Rudnik has had an endearing love for the Rocky Mountain landscape all of his life. He was inspired at a young age by the photography of his uncle, Ronnie Hogan. It was Ron that gave him his first camera, a mid-1950’s Braun Super II 35 mm from the Carl Braun Camera-Werks of Nurnburg, Germany. That camera today would be a real collector’s item! While technologies have changed over the years, the beauty of the natural world has not changed, and neither has Doug’s enthusiasm for capturing its awesome splendor.
I just love being out there. It was John Muir who once said, ‘Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.’ I have certainly found that to be true in my own life, as I’m sure many people have. There is a connection that nature makes with our soul that is unlike any other experience. It was my spiritual upbringing that taught me the majesty of Creation, but it was Creation that taught me how to be spiritual. The master teacher, artist, musician, mathematician, scientist, mother, healer, counsellor, muse – nature has a way of sinking deep into our deepest core to draw out the very best of our being. That’s the whole purpose behind this web experience, for me and for you. It’s my interpretation of life, God and the world through my lens, paired with great inspirational thoughts from deeply expressive humans, presented to you in hopes they will create in you the heart-smile you need to face the challenges before you.” ~ Doug